My Story

I came to yoga relatively late in life. With a technical background, I was wary of anything that had to do with spirituality. I nevertheless started practising yoga for its physical benefits. And I did indeed become stronger and more flexible through yoga but, more importantly, my devoted yoga practice brought along a more internal, more subtle transformation in me. At this point in my yogic journey, I feel that yoga has brought me closer to myself, it has helped me reconnect with my intuition and made me feel more confident, content and at ease. I am forever grateful to the teachers who have guided me and continue to guide me along this path and I look forward to seeing how it continues to unfold.

Gaia Ashtanga Yoga was born as my humble contribution to a better world. We live in a society in which mind and body are greatly disconnected. This prompts us to endlessly seek happiness in what surrounds us, not knowing that all we are looking for is already within us. My own experience has shown me that yoga acts like a mirror that helps you look inside and connect. And by connecting with your inner self, it helps you connect with other beings and with nature. This is the precious gift of yoga which I would be honoured to share with you.